
My Secret Circle of 9 =]

Nine who knows what's behind my sealed lips
Nine I go to when I need certain tips
Nine who holds my secret never told
Nine who sees my actions foretold

Nine who stands between the light and the shadows
Nine that guards me from the deathly hollows
Nine I trust to go and find the right answer
Nine who understands I'm no chancer

Nine I always have confidence in
Nine I believe would hold my secret within
Nine who can never swindle on me
Nine who can never say no and maybe

Nine to teach me right from wrong
Nine to help me express it in a song
Nine to remind me I often have a boundary
Nine to stop me from liking things that vary

My secret circle of 9 will always be there
Especially through times where I despair
A group of friends that would stick til the end
Friends so special I could never offend


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