
The Jhake Vargas Adventure :)

07/25/10-A date to remember. Why? For it's The Jhake Vargas Adventure Day!!!

OMG.This is really a day we would never forget! And by we I mean Me + Ivannie + Francine + Malou. Okayy...so here's the story...

     Last Saturday(July 17),when we went to SM I saw the tarp outside of SM saying that on  July 25 Jhake Vargas will arrive here in Iloilo at 5pm and my first reaction was OMG. So when I told Ivannie that he was coming we immediately planned ahead what to do on July 25 and Thank God only PART of our plan came true! Why? Coz all we planned is to arrive early and sit on the front. We also planned to ask for backstage passes if there were any but we never expected to go backstage and meet him.

      July 25 has arrived and we planned to go to SM before 2pm but due to certain reasons, we didn't get a chance to stick with the plan. Well, I arrived first followed by Ivannie then followed by Francine and the last to arrive is Malou. Actually,the Dance Fest 4th Elimination Round was before Jhake's show so we were forced to watch the Dance Fest just so we could get a seat near the stage  for Jhake's show and thank God we did because while waiting for the three of them I already reserved for seats for them.Anyways, when they arrived we(me,Francine and Ivannie) immediately bought food and we left Malou to guard our seats and when we came back it was Malou's turn to buy her food so Francine joined her. The Dance Fest was finished already but still they weren't back,it turns out that Malou bought Zagu and the line was too long. Since, the stage was still being prepared for Jhake's show, me and Ivannie decided to go to the CR and when we came back, Malou and Francine told us they were planning to ask the guy in black for a backstage pass if there were any. They went to the guy and asked for a backstage pass, too bad there weren't any so they pleaded to him if there was any other way for us to get in besides having a backstage pass and since the guy was kind enough he told them that he will let us enter backstage SECRETLY before Jhake comes out of the stage for his show. When they told us the news, we all freaked out coz we can't believe that we would finally meet him ONE ON ONE. Weeee :) But we decided to lower down our voices so other people won't hear our plan.

     After few minutes, the host told us that Jhake has already arrived but he was still in the Admin resting. When we heard the news, the four of us became silent and the reason is because we all had butterflies in our stomach.LOL.When it was a little bit past 5pm,three girls in front of us stood and shouted so obviously Jhake was there. We also stood and when I saw him I was speechless and all I could do was hold Ivannie in the arm to make her stand while telling her "OMG.Ivannie! Gwapo gd sya ya! Lntawa bala! Joosko.". Then the guy in black waved at us which means that it was time for us to meet him backstage so the first thing we did was sacrifice our seats coz by the time we stood, many of them rapidly moved forward into our seats.Oh well:) It's okay anyways since we don't care about our seats anymore coz we were about to meet him backstage. We were about to enter the door when the guy in black plus the security guard told us not to enter yet coz Jhake was practicing his guitar perforamance so we were a little bit disappointed and worried that we weren't going to meet Jhake after all but the guy in black kept assuring us that we are going to meet him and all we have to do is wait.Kiray was already out on the stage since she was the co host and the four of us were still having mixed feelings, while waiting on the side of the stage. We were watching Kiray then we saw that the guard allowed two people enter the backstage so we felt jealous coz when they came out they were freaking out since they were given a chance to take Jhake's picture. We asked the guard how come they were able to enter backstage it turns out that they were recommended by Kiray's mother. We still kept on waiting since the guy in black was still doing his job on preparing the stage with the different props needed and the guard who was guarding the backstage door kept on watching us. Then there would be times when we would ask him to give us permission and he would say no so we decided not to insist coz we were scared that if we keep on insisting, he wouldn't allow us at all. Finally, we decided to try our luck one last time and asked the guard for permission again still he said no but we looked at him and we showed him our pleading faces and thank God he said "libot kamo di sagwa basta isa isa lang" then I replied to him "ahai nong! dpat kmi gd nga apat kay isa lang cam namon kag ari sa akon ang cam. cge na nong!" then he said "cge na. basta hipos lang kamo kag dasiga niyo lang" then we all said "huo nong promise! basta pasudla lang kami ok na". OMG! He opened the door and I was like really confused on what to do so I was the first one who entered followed by Ivannie then Malou and Francine. When we first step in, he was already there practicing his guitar and Kiray was also there but we(me, Malou and Ivannie) kinda' ignored her coz we were focused on Jhake but Francine said hi to her and she waved back. Anyways, back to Jhake, at first we were kinda' hesitating on bothering him coz he looked busy with his guitar so we just gathered at a corner and freak out with a low voice. Finally,I decided to ask him if it was okay with him if we take a picture with him. I had to call him thrice coz the first two times I said his name, he didn't hear me and when he finally heard me, he was like smiling and nodding his head. Then I asked another guy in black to take a picture of us, and of course he agreed. So I posed beside Jhake but what I didn't expect was for him to put his hand on my shoulder so I felt like melting when he did it. LOLS xD I mean seriously! haha. Okay, after me it was Francine then Ivannie and the last was Malou. After having our solo pics with him,we posed as a group. LOLS xD Ivannie wanted to stay on Jhake's right but I kept forcing my way in and Ivannie was like trying to push me out (she wanted to be near Jhake...that's why! HAHA.)coz if I will not do it, I wouldn't be seen in the picture. And Francine also didn't have a place to fit in so she sighed and when Jhake heard it, he immediately moved near me to give space to Francine so Francine was really happy coz beside from giving her space he also put his arm around her.AWWWW :) We were done with the group picture and the guard was already telling us to hurry so the last favor I asked from Jhake was to take a solo picture of him and he posed immediately.HAHA. We were almost out the door then I felt like asking him for something we really wanted yet I forgot what it is(actually,it was an autograph coz I brought a pen and paper with me) so I turned back and walked near him and what came it out in my mouth was "May twitter kaba?"(HAHA! Hilariiious! LOLSxD) and he was like smiling and "Wala". Okay,then we were out the door. Geeeeez, I felt stupid. I asked for Twitter when his Facebook was worth more asking for. xD

     We came out of the backstage sweating and we were freaking out while watching our pics of him. It was too much already so we all went to the comfort room and when we were near the comfort room that's when we heard that he was already on stage so we decided to hurry. After fixing ourselves we immediately went back to the event center of SM, too bad our seats were already taken so we decided to stay near Daddy just to get a glimpse of him and just so we could take a candid picture of him performing on stage. While taking pics of him,we realized that Francine and Malou are not with us so I told Ivannie to text them and they were in National Bookstore. After a while, they arrived and that's when we remembered that we lack an autograph from Jhake. There we were again, running from one place to another, trying to find ways on how we could get backstage. First, we tried the guard again if he could get the autograph for us without us going inside and he said no since there were already several people there waiting to get it. Second, we went back to the side of the stage, and ask the guy who took our solo pics with Jhake if he would do the honor of getting his autograph he almost said yes but in the end he told us to just wait. Okay, so we decided to rest and watch Jhake in action with two girls(he was asked to pick a paper on a bowl and in that paper there were names of two girls and those girls were asked to come up the stage to be Jhake's companions while singing a song) then after the song he kissed both of them on the cheek. OhDAMN. Anyways, after his last perfomance, we again looked for ways on how to get his autograph and luckily we bumped into his father so we asked his Dad how we could get an autograph of him and he told us to wait in line(the line he pointed at was the line outside the backstage door). We weren't contented with his answer so we decided to just wait for whatever will happen. The show has ended and we were freaking out already coz we still don't have his autograph. We tried to climb up the stage but I decided not to since it was embarassing then our next plan was to run around and go up the stage using the stairs where the other girls were. The four of us were already on the stage near him but unluckily it was also the same time when he was asked to go backstage. All the other girls hurriedly went down the stairs and I heard Ivannie saying "OMG. Kahuluya! Dali panaog nata!" so I immediately followed her and we went down on the side part of the stage. Still, we were freaking out coz we don't have an autograph. AGAIN! Luck has come our way coz the guy in black(the one we asked for backstage passes) came out so we pleaded to him to get us Jhake's autograph and then he agreed! We gave him the four pieces of paper and my green My Metal ballpen then he rushed inside the stage. The four of us hugged each other out of happiness coz we completed the things we wanted. After a few minutes, the guy in black came out holding four pieces of paper with Jhake's signature on it so we freaked out and jumped for joy. We really thanked him a lot coz he was so kind! Then when some other girls found out that he helped us,they also shouted and pleaded to him but he already said no. 

     We rushed out of the event center with huge smiles on our faces and out of the blue we ran to Fuji Film to have our pictures with Jhake rush printed and also to have the paper with his sign laminated. We waited for almost an hour just for both of it to be done and it was finished at quarter to 7pm. Plus, the funny part is that when we were waiting for these pics to be printed, according to Malou Jhake passed by running and that's when I saw other girls running after him. Haha! Malou had the urge to run too but I told her not to run anymore since we already got what we wanted the most. Okayy, everything is done so it's time for us to say goodbye to one another as we walk out of Fuji Film. 

     After my whole experience, I could definitely say that when you want something and when you put your heart on it, you will definitely be rewarded.Yes, it might be tiring and sometimes it might need sacrifice but I have to say in the end it is always worth it as long as you're doing the right thing.



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