
Go Team Azkals!

Seeing Neil Etheridge here makes me miss him even more =/

          WOOHOO! Team Azkals won their game VS Mongolia. Well, actually they lost to Mongolia in the 2nd leg but they are still considered winner because in totality, they are the ones who won. That's why we'll be seeing them again on March 21! This time they're going to go against Myanmar. I bet your just as hyped as me right now coz even if I might be sitting here and blogging, I am almost near the point of hyperventilating(LOL. Jkaays =P). Of course I am  not hyperventilating here! HAHA =D That's just weird and so uncomfortable. Anyways, the fact that we're go to see them play again is just great news but since in life every great news is followed by bad news then I'm also blogging to give you the WORST NEWS IN HISTORY! Just kidding! How could it be the worst news when it's not the end of the world, right? Okaay, back to the topic, the bad news is that....UHMMM...(drum rolls)...(thriller background music starts to play)...(a ghost guy starts to play the piano in a very creepy manner)...(your heart is starting to beat fast)...(adrenaline is passing through your veins in a rapid manner)...(sweat trickles down your face)...(you listen carefully with ears wide open)...(I'm about to tell the news when...a hot and sexy vampire by the name of Bill Compton jumps out and bites you!)...so the bad news is, your DEAD! =O LOL. I'm just playing! That was for fun only and that was totally a great way to lengthen my blog so you should try that too. Now it's time to get serious, actaully what I wanted to tell you is that PHIL YOUNGHUSBAND, oh you know! the hottie that could kick balls(I don't mean "balls balls" but simply "balls" like FOOT"balls". HAHAHA! I know, it's not funny!) was injured in their game a while ago VS Mongolia so according to him, there is a possibility that he couldn't play on their game VS Myanmar. That couldn't happen! I mean seriously, most of the people I know is only watching because of Phil so if he doesn't get to play then it would totally ruin the "adrenaline rushing,blood pumping" feeling I always feel when watching their game. OH GEEZ =S Let's just wish that his injury wouldn't affect him until March 21. What the heck! Of all days, it shouldn't be on the day of the game because if that happens then we'll say BYE BYE to Phil for the day. Do you want that? Of course NOT! I don't want that! So yeah, all we can do is wish for a blessing from God. That's why starting today WE(Not only ME but that includes YOU too!) should already be good. WOOT! Wish them luck! We know they could win for real this time! 

STATUS RIGHT NOW: Hyped o.O (so obvious, right? I'm hyped which means I'm hyper...No, not hyperventilating just plain HYPER =D)



PERFECT Doesn't Exist.

          I'm not exactly saying that girls who SEEM perfect are fake but the point is let's stop trying to be perfect for once. Yes, I know we all have the desire to become like a "Barbie girl" but Barbie's a fake too, so why do you want to become like her when you can simply become yourself without exerting effort at all. That's why I decided to post that quote above because I know how girls like you and me feel. I know every girl wants to be the head turning, jaw dropping type of girl but that doesn't mean that since we feel the need to become "perfect", it is okay for us to become like other people for the sake of impressing others. NEWSFLASH! You're you and that's how you're going to be til the end of time. Of course,you can't change who you are anymore because we don't have the capacity to switch places with the people we want to be like. 
         Seriously, if you really think about it there is no such thing as a perfect girl because if there is,then Barbie wouldn't have been JUST A DOLL. Like what you read above, Real girls aren't perfect; Perfect girls aren't real, I totally agree with this quote because I believe that there's no such thing as "perfect" since nothing in this world is perfect and we're not even considered as an exception. That's why if some of you girls out there want to become perfect then think twice starting now coz in the end you'll just end up being a fake like Barbie. Look at that doll, she's beautiful in the outside but no matter how much you will  make her look beautiful by dressing her up, she will always be made of plastic inside Do you want that? I bet not. =P



Random Do Do La La =D

Peace and Love come as ONE :)
In short, don't go to school :)
Correction: FOUND
Believe in Yourself. BE YOU :)
Looks familiar? He's the cat in Alice in Wonderland. LOL xD Jk :)

If drawings can be together,why not US?

French for I LOVE YOU ♥



The Captions Tell ALL =)

Speak your heart out,there's no better way to let him know that with words.

It's true. I miss you but I have to let you go & forget our past
Puppy:I'm having nightmares! Can I hug you?  
I want to wear a mask so that I can hide what I don't want others to see

I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm with you. :)  
Distance is nothing when you truly love someone.♥  
You have a piece of my heart so please take care of it. ♥

Justin. Kean♥

Everything's Possible.=)

Learn from EXPERIENCE :)
Why am I saying this? You might be wondering because this is such a weird thing to say.Yes,I also find it weird but I really want to share this with everyone. After experiencing such things, I could now say that everything's possible. I know you've heard the same cliche before but if you actually think about it, there's a whole lot meaning to it. I just don't want to name names or say anyting that could hurt others so basically, I'm keeping it simple. You know what, life is always unfair-believe me or not but that's a fact. It's always a play wherein we're all just merely actors and actresses playing a role and just like any other plays, if you have more than 1 role then all you have to do is change your costume and portray another side of you. According to what I've just said right now, that's the realization that slapped me in the face so hard it instantly registered in my brain. It hit me like a ray of sun to know that some of the people we face each day are not really the people we think they are. Since everyone is given the oppurtunity to act, then I guess there are those who takes  advantage of that oppurtunity. Admit it or not, we are all acting in our own little way but using that "talent" for their own benefits and at the same time for others so called "downfall" is unacceptable. Don't take it the wrong way but I'm only just pointing out a fact that once we start to act another role, we forget who we are before.Well, who am I to judge right? Yes, I have no right. But since I'm basing it from my own experience then I think I can call it freedom of expression.Please,we're a free country that's why sometimes we are so free that we can do whatever we want but reality check, you're not the only one living in this world. Yes, you might be free but still don't forget that the world doesn't only belong to you so that means you should still be aware of the people around you. MAYBE, just maybe, there's already someone out there who's affected by your change of character and since you're too busy playing that "other" role so perfectly, you're too blind to notice it. Like the title implies, everything's possible therefore it's a basic instinct that you should be aware of your surroundings. Trust me, experience is the greatest teacher you can have in the "acting world".



B for BUGSY-the UBER cute hamster.♥

Yes,we do!
How about you?

Looks familiar,right?

If you've watched Bedtime Stories.
You'll know who he is.
He's the hamster that has big eyes.
It's so obvious!

Enough of the background check.
The point of this blog is...
No other reason.
Awwiie ^.^
I mean who could resist this furball?
Obviously. NOT ME.

Not just me.
There are others from my classroom too.
So that's why...
I made a blog for him.
And,here it is!

If you love Bugsy,you'll love this.
If you don't,then you need to get your eyes checked.


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T for TWITTER :)
I'm NOT over Facebook.
I'm more obssessed on...
So yeah...
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